I'm interested in doing this, I've got a top down shooter type game already coded. I used Flash cs3 and wrote it in AS3, the stuff I have on this site now was stuff I made when I was like 12, so don't base anything on that. Send me a message when you get it, and I'll send you the code I have so far. I also have the next couple of weeks off of school, so I would definitely have time to do it.
I'm interested in doing this, I've got a top down shooter type game already coded. I used Flash cs3 and wrote it in AS3, the stuff I have on this site now was stuff I made when I was like 12, so don't base anything on that. Send me a message when you get it, and I'll send you the code I have so far. I also have the next couple of weeks off of school, so I would definitely have time to do it.