Planetoids 3 isn't far away at all.
So, in the nature of things, I have artwork to display.
I've quickly thrown together this wallpaper.
if you want a full sized one, send me a message.
I have some facts for you, if you care.
-Number 3 will forever be branded as my least favourite installment, but it is a needed evil. It also begins the sub-plots.
-Originally Number 3 was going to be 3, 4 and 5 crammed into one. Now, I'm having enough trouble fitting a third of the original animating into one installment.
-number 4 and 5 will be worked back to back, for ensured continuity, and closer release dates ;)
-number 5 will contain all previous episodes, with the first two being digitally remastered
-My aim is to maintain all music anonymously until the crescendo. By that, I mean, keep to relatively unheard of songs, predominately on Newgrounds, until the climax.
-Number 5 is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life.
-The first Planetoids was improvised, the second one had an inkling of where the story would be going. 3, 4 and 5 will be a trilogy in itself, with backing plot, and an actual ending.
- I will be finished with Planetoids after chapter 5, but I will be leaving myself one small, little string, a small thread, that no one will notice, so that if I desire to ever return to Planetoids, the option is there.
- All these facts should have gone in a new post instead of just updating this one.
- I spent over an hour just animating a bird flap its wings, just to have flash crash on me.
it's a fucking bitch, but now I have worked out auto save, so everything is safe from now on.