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    Infinity and Beyond

    Joined on 11/9/08

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    Fate's News

    Posted by Fate - February 13th, 2010

    Boring Animation Progress (skip this section if easily bored)
    Animating takes a long time, especially when you procrastinate like I do.
    I've been slowly trawling through the next installment of Planetoid.
    I could finish the Prologue and a side chapter at almost any time, but I'm trying to keep my focuses on Chapter 4.
    See an equally boring progress shot below.

    More Interesting Developments
    Alright, so, as many of you know, here in Australia, the government is trying to put in place an internet filter.
    What's interesting is the fact that nobody IN Australia knows, yet everybody outside it does.
    This is because our media and government are being shady little bastards.
    The media obviously doesn't enjoy the internet's free reign because it takes so much money out of the industry, and this is helping the government's cause.
    They haven't even gotten the damn thing in place yet, and they getting ridiculous with what they're going to ban.
    Like...Porn that has women with small breats...

    And anybody that openly protests these measures is going to be made out to be a pedophile, pervert or criminal.
    It's fucked.

    Interesting Videos
    If you're yet to see this one below, you should really check it out.
    It's only been out a few days and has already proved to be quite popular.

    /* */
    And familiarise yourself with the song in this one, as I have another animation coming out after Planetoid - Chapter 4 that includes it, and it'll be even more awesome for you if it's one of your favorite songs. Just saying :D

    /* */
    Music stuff
    Newground user RedHotPoker has started posting music on his new website.

    That's all from me for now.
    Find me on twitter here
    And be sure to check out the few animations I have posted here on NG

    Australia to Ban Small Boobs

    Posted by Fate - January 9th, 2010

    Alright, so, as I am so painfully aware of, most of you won't give a damn, but this is for the few that do.
    For those that want to care, it would make more sense if you watch these.

    I shall be putting out a new animation within the next two weeks, in the Planetoid series.
    It's not chapter 4, or anything major. It's just a little snippet of something, I guess.

    Speaking of Chapter 4, I'm working like crazy on it, but progress is slow, like almost all animating.
    I'm hoping to get it out before March (jeez, it's ages away, I should be right, yeah?), as I'm on holidays from Uni until then.
    I have a feeling that deadline will come fast, though.

    One day, I might animate something that isn't Planetoid, but I've started this now, and I won't stop until it's finished.

    What do you think of the image below?
    It's from the upcoming snippet.

    Thank you for your time.

    Non-frontpage post

    Posted by Fate - January 9th, 2010

    I should be ruler of the world by mid-April.
    I, obviously, won't divulge with you the specifics, as I don't want anybody stuffing about with my schemes.

    Let's just say it involves Penguins, roller-coasters and a CD spindle.

    That's all I'm going to tell you.

    In other news, 2009 ended, and can I be one to say 'thank gawd that's over'.
    That year was appalling.

    I originally had this news post with all the details of my upcoming flashes, but realised it was a real bore, so posted it as a new one, so my front page glory isn't wasted on some fidle-fadle.
    If you want, give it a glance.

    Now, I have a question for you, if you've made it this far.

    Why does 7/11 have locks on their doors?
    WHY? D:

    Catch you later, when I've dominated all civilisation.

    Also, the image below is to raise awareness of Squirrel Aids.
    It's real.

    If all goes according to plan...

    Posted by Fate - November 18th, 2009

    Tom's being cruel and unusual, holding the series results until very last.
    I can't wait to see if Planetoid made the cut.
    I suppose I'll just have to wait a few more days to find out :)

    It's almost been 12 months since I posted Chapter 1, and I like to think I've come a long way, in quality of animation. Although, I swear, it's been the fastest 12 months of my life.

    On the topic of the Planetoid Series, I've finally started Chapter 4, and I'm going to try and give it my best.
    I've decided on a deadline. :O
    Which is the anniversary of Chapter 2.
    I am going to do my best to have it ready by then.

    Here, have a screenshot, and tell me what you think.
    (That's amidst a bit of FBF work, I might add. That's why it looks a bit choppy)

    Oh, I forgot to mention, if Planetoid does well in the treasure hunt (if it makes it in), I'm going to make a bonus side chapter that I have planned.

    Technical difficulties have delayed production, but I intend to get it out before the end of the year.

    Series Treasure Hunt

    Posted by Fate - October 28th, 2009

    So, I put out a 'new' movie the other day, and didn't get that much attention.
    You should watch, rate (5) and review it, for sure. (pleaasee? D: )

    Also, I've been working on a quick Halloween Animation, and what I've learned about textures from from redoing Planetoid is coming in mighty handy. (check out the screenshot below).
    I hope I'll be able to get it done in time.
    It'll be the first animation that's not in the planetoid series, which will be nice.

    Speaking of which, I'm currently also working on Chapter 4 and the Prologue.
    So, hopefully, you will see them soon.

    Tell me what you think about the screenshot! :O

    Yes, I ran out of time.
    I'm going to finish it off, then hold onto it for next year.
    Crazy, I know.

    New animation and working on a Halloween flash

    Posted by Fate - October 14th, 2009

    In honor of the Treasure Hunt I am 'Digitally Remastering' Planetoid - Chapter 1, and uploading it as a new animation.
    It will be released over the weekend.

    In other news, I will try and get a Halloween animation out, but no promises.
    I've started on one, but there's been a few delays, with trying to get voice actors, etc, that it may come out well after the end of this month.
    But it is inevitable.

    In life, I feel a bit overwhelmed.
    Drowning in work.
    which sucks.

    Check back here early next week if you want to see the refreshed Planetoid, then I'll try for the week after to get the next installment out.

    Fun fun fun.
    Also, in reworking the animation, I found a shot of what it was originally going to look like.
    It's come a long way.

    In Honor of the Treasure Hunt...

    Posted by Fate - September 14th, 2009

    I haven't stopped work on the Planetoid series.
    I've just been preoccupied.

    It IS happening.

    Posted by Fate - July 17th, 2009

    So, I've been working on one or two projects.
    Power of Three seemingly fell through with my team, probably my fault, though I'm not sure.
    Communication just seemed to stop happening, and to TheMasterOfSprites, sorry.

    I'm currently doing a collaboration with RedHotPoker, which he currently has information about on his news post(although he fails to mention that it's a collaboration), where one person animates approximately 10 seconds, then hands it to the other person, to do the next ten.

    Basically, when it's not my turn, I'll be working on Planetoid.
    The Prologue isn't far off, and Chapter 4 isn't that much further behind.

    And then, FINALLY, I will be onto the final installment, the whole reason I kept on animating this darned series.

    When I'm not animating, I'm going to be writing (or at work or uni, but they don't count), as I am hoping to get a head start on a book this half of the year.

    Also, I'm on twitter.

    </shameless self-promotion>

    What have you guys been up too?
    Anything interesting?

    Coming out soon!

    Posted by Fate - June 20th, 2009

    Penciled Waterfalls
    A man, with the sunrise in his hair,
    His brain on the computer screen,
    Does little to raise flames from his chair,
    A lone voice, in a helmet, goes unseen.

    The gates to the long roads seem closed,
    With peace as the forgotten destination.
    The penciled waterfalls look opposed,
    As a dead man will lose the confrontation.

    The streaming river of information runs dry;
    Only from the failure of drinking, it loses rain.
    All eyes see the same goal, afraid to try,
    To walk the road alone, is to walk with all but pain.

    A frosted looking glass leads the world astray,
    The straw, through which we destroy ourselves,
    Left a hole in the bed, from where it lay,
    Is prized as our destruction, and kept upon the shelves.

    Sometimes, it's the desperate that save us all,
    As, in their hair, the sun begins to set.
    Old, wearied, fallen from walk to crawl,
    Our batteries all expire, repaying our only debt.

    Colourless Rainbows arc the paper skies,
    In the book, forgotten, lying on the floor.
    Beyond imagination, the story flies,
    Of how peace can exist, it's what we fight for.

    By Rion Brodie (Nightbreaker)

    Tell me what the words are trying to say, in comment form.
    I know what the meaning was for me, as I was writing it, but each person seems to have their own view on it, their own meanings.
    that's the beauty of poetry, I suppose.

    Also, be sure to watch the Planetoid series, I'm puttering along at getting the fourth one out.
    They haven't really had much attention.
    That would be awesome, thanks.

    Tell Me What You Think It Means.

    Posted by Fate - May 31st, 2009

    I'm going to be going away for ten days towards the end of this month. Otherwise I would've set the release date for Planetoid - Chapter 4 for then, but, as such, I'm pushing it forward a few days, and claiming that the release date will be the 8th of July.

    Now, if you were on the band wagon with the making of Planetoid - Chapter 3, you would know that the release date we abolished fairly quickly, and pushed forward, repeatedly, for about two to three months.
    And I endeavor not to do that again. I hit real turbulence with number 3, and it shouldn't happen again, so we should be good.

    I have a Power of Three team. My team mates are F-777 on the music and TheMasterOfSprites on coding.

    I also have a Power of Thirty team. And am working very hard so that it will work. As it is a very ambitious project, and I really do hope it will work.

    I'm also working on one or two other flash projects. But they're secret.
    super secret.
    super awesome crazy secret.

    And that's about all I have to say today.